Wednesday, February 20, 2013

[10/10/2018 So much has changed I scarcely know where to begin. Updated with doodling on Artrage instead.] I "drew" this [an] illustration on ArtRage to make a decent image in a ping file so that I could embed in my blurb about the seven with a strike through it. Part of a funny story...there is not a font for it and linked versions keep coming up in Internet Explorer, which I no longer use. No matter what I tell it, default .png files use IE, mmmh. Guess on a Chromebook, they will have no choice. P.S. Yesterday, I researched a bit of Chromebook and discovered that there is no way to turn off updates. My plan was to use NetZero (free) while I away from home, but to do that I need to stop all data transfers because, with just one java update for example, netzero cuts off network until next MONTH! Bummer. Illustration [is no longer available]. This "belongs" on drupalgarden journaling, however, the "png" file requires downloading, so I am leaving here until I figure this one out.